Data protection
Personal data
- To access HSeT’s websites and services, trainees may be required to provide personal information (first name, surname, title, profession, postal address, telephone or mobile phone number, e-mail address) as part of the registration process, or as part of continued use of HSeT’s resources.
- HSeT exclusively collects data that trainees provide to us directly or thatcan be derived through their participation in training activities.
- Trainees must agree that information regarding their learning activities can be communicated to HSeT by other parties, such as Universities and other institutional partners with which HSeT collaborates to develop online training programs, and to allow HSeT to administrate, develop and maintain e-learning resources.
- Trainees guaranteethat all registration information provided to HSeT is accurate, correct and up to date.

Data protection
- HSeT guarantees that data relating to physical and legal persons are collected, processed, and used in full compliance with Swiss law on data protection and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- HSeT will only use trainees’ personal information for the performance of its training activities (for example to enable use by trainees of HSeT’s services and websites, to communicate necessary information to trainees about HSeT’s services, and to interact with trainees to send invoices, reports, statements, and payment reminders, and to collect payments) or for our legitimate business purposes (for example to deal with any enquiries or complaints by or concerning trainees).
Trainees’ personal data is not released to third parties unless required to honor contractual obligations. To honor contracts with HSeT’s institutional partners, trainees’ personal data and data regarding their learning activities may be transferred to these partners to administrate, develop, and maintain the e-learning resources, and to develop further e-learning programs. HSeT endeavors to take all appropriate and reasonable measures to ensure that such third parties provide sufficient guarantees to always protect the trainees’ personal data. In addition, HSeT does not transfer trainees’ data outside of Switzerland and the EU unless appropriate privacy protection or internationally recognized legal mechanisms are deemed to be in place to ensure adequate data protection. Trainees must consent to this use of their data.