Executive committee

The Executive Committee, consisting of four members of the Board, coordinates the projects supported by the Foundation, and allocates funds, under the supervision of the Foundation Board. The Executive Committee gives comprehensive information about its activity to the Foundation Board at each of its meetings.

Jean Gruenberg

PhD, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva

Jean Gruenberg’s main interest was to study the morphogenesis of sub-cellular organelles and the mechanisms that control intracellular membrane dynamics. He is also a member of LipidX (Systems Biology of Biomembranes) supported by the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology.
e-mail: Jean.Gruenberg@unige.ch
Phone: +41(0)22 37 93464
Address: UNIGE Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biochemistry
Jean-Pierre Kraehenbuhl

MD PhD, Emeritus Professor, coordinator of Microbiology and Oncology

Jean-Pierre Kraehenbuhl is emeritus Professor at the University of Lausanne, and was affiliated member of the Swiss Institute of Cancer Research (ISREC). He used to work on mucosal immunity and vaccinology. He was a co-founder of EuroVacc, a Foundation active in the development of HIV vaccines, He is a member of EMBO. He was the co- founder of OraVax, Inc, now part of Sanofi Pasteur. He is co-leader of OCTAVE, the Online Collaborative Training of AIDS Vaccine Evaluation.
e-mail: Jean-Pierre.Kraehenbuhl@HSeT.org
Phone: +41 21 692 5856
Address: HSeT Foundation
c/o Center of Immunity and Infection (CIIL)
Chemin des Boveresses 155
CH-1066 Epalinges, Switzerland
Walter Reith

President, PhD, Emeritus Professor University of Geneva President of the Board

The laboratory of Walter Reith has a long-standing interest in molecular and cellular immunology. Major themes of past research have included the genetic control and biological functions of Major Histocompatibility Complex class II (MHCII) mediated antigen presentation in humans and mice in the context of health and disease.
Current topics focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate gene expression in specialized antigen presenting cells (APCs) – including B cells, various dendritic cell (DC) subsets and thymic epithelial cells – and the functions of these APCs in adaptive immune responses, the physiological processes that mediate the establishment and maintenance of immunological self-tolerance, and the pathological mechanisms that underpin the breakdown of immunological self-tolerance during the course of autoimmune diseases.
e-mail: Walter Reith
Phone: +41 79 250 3539
Address: Faculty of medicine, University of Geneva
1 rue Michel-Servet, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
François Verrey

MD, Emeritus Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Zürich

François Verrey is Professor Emeritus of Physiology at the University of Zurich. After high school in Zurich and medical school in Lausanne, he acted as ICRC delegate in Israel and resident in Internal Medicine at the CHUV. He then worked as postdoctoral fellow at the University of Lausanne, the ISREC and Columbia University, and started 1991 his own research group at the Institute of Physiology of the University of Zurich. He became Professor in 2001 and was director of the Institute from 2006-2014. He was vice-dean of the Faculty of Medicine, member of the research council of the SNSF and founder and director of the National Center of Competence in Research Kidney.CH until 2018. His research centered around epithelial transports in kidney and intestine, mainly regarding aldosterone-regulated sodium transport, and later transport and role of amino acids. Currently he is mainly engaged in the HSeT Foundation and as vice-director of the Swiss Kidney Foundation.
e-mail: francois.verrey@uzh.ch
Address: Institute of Physiology, University of Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich