Scientific Advisory Board
The Mission
The Advisory Board assists the Foundation Board for the educational questions linked with the activities of the Foundation. It makes recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning the allocation of funds and provides the general follow-up of the educational work.
The members
Amos Bairoch
PhD, Professor of Bioinformatics UNIGE, Scientific Advisory Board
Amos Bairoch is a Swiss bioinformatician and Professor of Bioinformatics at the Department of Human Protein Sciences of the University of Geneva where he leads the CALIPHO group at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) combining bioinformatics, curation, and experimental efforts to functionally characterize human proteins.
Phone: +41 22 379 58 60
Address: UNIGE Medial School
Dr. Pierre Cosson
Dr. Pierre Cosson obtained a Ph.D in Dr. J. Davoust´s laboratory, where he was working on the “Mechanisms of formation of intracellular transport vesicles”.
1990 he joined as an EMBO a post-doctoral fellow the laboratory of Dr. R. Klausner’s laboratory at the National Institute of Health, Washington, USA working on the “Transmembrane determinants for assembly and intracellular transport”.
In 1992 he moved as a Member to the Basel Institute for Immunology (Basel, Switzerland) still working the « Mechanisms of membrane sorting in the secretory pathway ». 1997 he moved as a Group leader to the University of Geneva where he was appointed in 2007 Full professor working on « Phagocytosis and host-pathogen interactions”.
He has created and runs the new Bachelor of Biomedical Science. He also created the recombinant antibody project, which provides animal-free high-quality antibodies to the scientific community.
Most recently he opened the ABCD database listing all available recombinant antibodies (>10’000 entries) and created a new open-access scientific journal (Antibody Reports) dedicated to the characterization of recombinant antibodies.
Marie-Christine Broillet
Senior Lecturer University of Lausanne, Scientific Advisory Board
Marie-Christine Broillet received her PhD in 1993 from the University of Lausanne for research on renal K channels performed with Prof. Jean-Daniel Horisberger. In 1998, after a post-doctoral training with Prof. Stuart Firestein at Yale and Columbia University (New York) where she studied olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, she joined the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the UNIL to create and lead her own research group working on ion channels and membrane receptors in olfactory neurons. She now focuses her scientific interests on the chemical danger signals present in the environment, their sensory detection by the nose, their neuronal pathways of activation and their social communication leading to specific behaviors fundamental for survival. In parallel, she is very involved in teaching to different audiences with different modalities. She is the Head of the Master of Science in Medical Biology (MSc BM) of the UNIL as well as the responsible of the training of laboratory technicians by her chairmanship position at the “Association vaudoise pour les métiers de laboratoire” (AVML).
Jozsef Zoltan Kiss
MD. Em. Prof. UNIGE, Neurosciences, Scientific Advisory Board
Jozsef Zoltan KISS obtained his M.D degree at the Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest, Hungary in 1979. He was a research associate at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary from 1979 to1981, a Research associate at the Department of Anatomy, University of Iowa, College of Medicine, Iowa City, USA from 1981 to 1982, a Visiting associate in the Laboratory of Cell Biology, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA from 1983 to1984, a Research associate at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary from 1985 to 1986, a Visiting scientist, Rudolf Magnus Institute, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands in 1986.
In 1986, he joined the University of Geneva Medical School, first as a junior faculty member and in 2007 as a full professor, at the Department of Fundamental Neuroscience. He retired in 2018.
He was and still is interested in developmental mechanisms that are critical for neuronal migration and circuit formation in the cerebral cortex as well as the molecular control of neural progenitor migration with the aim to direct these cells to sites of injury to achieve structural repair.
Phone:+41 22 379 52 02
Address:UNIGE Medical School
Ivana Knezevic
MD PhD, WHO Geneva, Titular Professor UNIL, Scientific Advisory Board
Dr. Knezevic has 19 years of professional experience in standardization and regulation of biologicals. In 2000, Dr Knezevic joined WHO Biological Standardization Programme and since then her activities have been devoted to the standardization and evaluation of biologicals at the global level. Since 2006, she has been leading standardization of vaccines and some biological therapeutics. Dr Knezevic led development of WHO regulatory guidelines on various aspects of vaccine evaluation as well as the recommendations for production, control and evaluation of selected vaccines, published in WHO Technical Report Series. In the area of biotherapeutics, she coordinated development of the WHO Guidelines on evaluation of similar biotherapeutic products (SBPs) and has initiated a series of workshops to facilitate implementation of guiding principles into regulatory and manufacturers’ practice. Dr Knezevic is also the author of several publications that made broad audience aware of WHO initiative in the development, establishment and implementation of standards for vaccines and some other biological products. Dr. Knezevic is Specialist in Medical Microbiology and Parasitology. She received her MD from the University of Novi Sad, her MSc in Medicine (Microbiology) and PhD in Medicine (Virology) from the University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. Presently she is Professor at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the Lausanne University.
Phone: +41 22 791 3136
Address: WHO, Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27
Li Long
Manager of software in biomedical research. Scientific Advisory Board
Li Long graduated in computer science from Jinan University and Pennsylvania State University. She worked on simulation software that’s used in design, analysis, real-time control and operator training on transmission pipelines in oil and gas industry. Later she worked on IT management software that monitors, controls and predicts IT services/operations/automation s in large enterprise environments. Afterwards she worked in bioinformatics, supporting large number of biomedical researchers to satisfy their software needs in broad areas of researches. Recently she works independently on diverse projects.
She has worked on all major stages of software development process, from software design, development, quality control to life cycle management, using major hardware/software platforms, many programming languages, development tools, operating environments/resources.
In HSeT, she’s been working on migrating biomedical course contents to more modern Learning Management System (LMS) and Content Management System (CMS).
Wayne Lencer
MD, Boston University School of Medicine, Scientific Advisory Board
Wayne I. Lencer obtained his MD degree from Boston University School of Medicine, USA in 1987. The title of his present position is Longwood Chair in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. He is also Director of Harvard Digestive Disease Center.
His laboratory studies the cell and molecular biology of polarized epithelial cells lining mucosal surfaces. The projects focus on how barrier epithelial cells interact with the lumenal and sub-epithelial microenvironment, and on the biology of bacterial toxin
pathogenesis and mucosal host defense.
In a longstanding and broadly enabling research program, he has discovered how some enteric bacterial toxins breech the intestinal epithelial barrier to enter host epithelial cells and induce toxicity. These toxins hijack the cellular and molecular mechanisms of retrograde membrane transport to move from the lumenal cell surface into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where they co-opt the mechanics of ER Associated Degradation (ERAD) to enter the cytosol; and where they activate the ER stress sensor
IRE1 to amplify their toxicity by inducing the unfolded protein response. We found the structure of the ceramide domain of the toxin’s GM1 glycosphingolipid receptor plays a decisive role in the trafficking of the toxin; and defined the structural motif in the
ceramide domain that explains this biology. The discovery may have clinical applications enabling intracellular delivery of peptide and protein biologics and their amplified biodistribution. In another project, his lab studies the cell and molecular biology of transcytosis by the MHC Class I-like IgG receptor FcRn. FcRn transports IgG across mucosal surfaces where it may function in immune surveillance and host defense. The transcytotic pathway across barrier epithelial cells provides a critical link between the outside and inside worlds of the gut. His work has elucidated the itinerary and many genes operating in this pathway.
The work of Wayne Lencer in each of these areas has led to >18 patent awards. The FcRn research program led to the founding of a Biotech company that was acquired by Biogen Idec and produced two novel biologics now FDA approved: Alprolix and Eloctate
for treatment of hemophilia A and B. The glycosphingolipid trafficking project has led to new patents, a 2018 award from the Harrington Discovery institute for translation of this work to clinical practice, and a new biotechnology company was founded.
William Pralong
MD, PhD, Emeritus Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Trained as an MD, William F. Pralong did his Thesis in Transport Phenomena at the Dpt of Pharmacology, School of Medicine in Geneva. He specialized then in Diabetes and Pancreas Physiology. He moved to industry to work on artificial pancreas and then conducted clinical trials in genetherapy for EPO delivery at the Dept of Experimental Surgery with Patrick Aebischer at the CHUV, Lausanne. He joined EPFL in 2000 with EPFL’s President, Patrick Aebischer to set up the curriculum in Life Sciences and Technology and in Bioengineering at the School of Life Sciences. Presently William Pralong is Deputy to the Provost for MQS at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
Bernard Rossier
MD Em.Prof.UNIL HSeT founding member, Scientific Advisory Board