All News
December 2024
Nivashnee Naiker.
Since completing the IMVACC degree, I became the recipient of a NIH grant through the US NCI CASCADE Network in 2023 and will be continuing work on cervical cancer prevention for women living with HIV. Nigel Garrett, my South African supervisor, has also recently left the organisation, so I am now promoted to Head of Vaccine Research. I will also continue the HPV/cervical cancer prevention work in my PhD studies. I met recently in Cape Town One Bridget Dintwe, from the IMVACC class 2020, who has also taken on a Director role.
In short, IMVACC has been of enormous benefit to my career in such a short space of time, for which I remain very grateful to you, and to Claude of course.
May 2024
Master of vaccinology IMVACC. The master thesis of Violet Nakibuuka, a student from the class 2020, has been accepted for publication in PLOS one.
Violet Nakibuuka from the Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, has submitted her master thesis entitled “UPTAKE OF HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS VACCINATION AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS LIVING WITH HIV IN UGANDA: A MIXED METHODS STUDY”. The manuscript has been accepted for publication. She is the fourth student that has been able to publish her Master thesis.